Wednesday, July 1, 2009


by AnnIMG_1971 Today our Bible Hero was Noah.  Since God sent the animals two by two we played games that involved pairs.  In this game the blindfolded kids had to find their animal partner by the animal sounds.IMG_1975  We paired up for three legged races.IMG_1976 Some of the little ones had a hard time.IMG_1978 Janice and I did pretty good.IMG_1979 We paired up for wheelbarrow races.IMG_1981 We ended up by playing dodge ball.  I know, this one did not have pairs but the kids enjoyed it.IMG_1984 Music was fun today.IMG_1985 After lunch I served God with a caulking gun.  I tried to stay in the shade as it was pretty hot today.IMG_1987 Carolyn got brave and climbed up on the scaffolding.IMG_1990 Janice was busy staining boards.IMG_1988 Work is continuing on the siding.IMG_1989 Billy and Al supervise from below.IMG_1991 We’ve made lots of new friends this week.  This is Larry and Janice.  Janice has been my one of my Backyard Bible Club buddies.IMG_1993 Wednesday night’s service started out with singing led by Pastor Randy, a lesson in Galatians, and then small group prayer.

It’s really been a great week and it’s ending much too soon.

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