Sunday, July 13, 2008

Virginia City

blogIMG_0264 Saturday is a transition day for the teams.  One team is leaving and another team is arriving so there is not many people working. I was invited to go with Lewis & Joanne Payton and their friends Jean & Ed from AZ to Virginia City.  Billy was really anxious to start work and did not want to go but of course I did.

image Virginia City is a preserved Victorian mining town high in the Rocky Mountains of Southwest Montana in a bowl along Alder Gulch where gold was first discovered in 1863. The town grew to more than  10,000 and became the Territorial Capital in 1865.  When gold ran out, there was still enough left so that homes and businesses were occupied, but there was not enough wealth to remodel.  So the town architecturally froze, and now represents the whole Victorian era.  The town's main street provides an exceptional example of commercial architecture from the mid eighteen hundreds. Many of the original structures are filled with original artifacts.  



I almost bought this pink hat.

IMG_0261 Jean & Ed enjoying their homemade ice cream.

blogIMG_0267 The stage coach and horses lined the street waiting for riders.

blogIMG_0269 There were beautiful flowers growing.


blogIMG_0276 Lewis loves panning for gold so that's were he wanted to stop on the way back in Nevada City. That's Ed watching.

P7120428 When we returned we found Billy working on the sheetrock.

blogIMG_0277 Tonight the whole team went out for dinner at The Shack.  The food was delicious.  This pictures only shows about one half of the team for next week.

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