Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wow! What a Week!


Volunteers-David brought his transit so we could level Dean’s piling band.  Charles and Don from Roxboro finally meet.  Carey from Whiteville and Andy from Clinton came via Murphy & lets not forget our new friends Bruce, Bill & Donna from Kentucky. Wayne from Hertford.


More volunteers-AB from Murfreesboro , The Deacon Family-John, Stephanie, Sarah & Molly from Youngsville, Lisa 1 from Edenton and Lisa 2 from Roxobel, Lewis, Brenda, Linda and Warren from Elizabeth City, and George, Arthur and Charles from Roanoke Rapids.

Deans Pilings

Little Red House #1-Abode House Movers finished raising Dean’s (also known as the Little Red House) on Monday.  On Tuesday Able Marine installed the pilings. Then the Baptist volunteers cut the pilings and set the banding so Wayne’s crew could lower the house on Friday.  Although the week started off a little slow doing odd & ends due to schedule changes we were very flexible when Wayne’s schedule changed and he wanted to lower Dean’s house on Thursday afternoon. The men & women worked hard and steady to get things ready.  When Wayne had the house set down and his guys were getting their equipment up and loaded he came over and spoke precious words “It is great to work around a group like yours. They work steady and the language is clean and joyful.”  I enjoy that part a lot myself. 

Dean Lowered

Little Red House #2-If you have never banded pilings, cut and set bands or tied it all together it is a lot of thought, check & recheck. Although the volunteers had not done this before they stepped up to the plate, asked what to do and did what would have taken an average beach crew 3 or 4 days to complete in 2 days. THANKS VOLUNTEERS and PLEASE forgive me for getting a little tense and short.

IDean Lowered1

Little Red House #3-John Deacon brought his girls with him this trip. They cleaned up, installed insulation (on 2 jobs) and moved fill sand under Dean’s house.  John, Bruce, Bill and Don built the back deck.  A group came from Elizabeth City and painted trim.  Lowe’s brought the sheet rock but forgot to send anybody to put it in the house.  Again THANKS to the volunteers who stepped up to the challenge of handling 90 pieces of sheet rock.  Silver lining – the fork lift operator and a passer by both asked why we are working so hard and where we were from.  I must give Charles the credit for stopping to answer their questions. 

Elsie & Tony

Elsie’s and Tony’s- Some did entrance wiring and insulation at Elsie’s and others helped frame and install underpinning at Tony & Erin’s.


Pastor Steve and Wesley & Jennifer-Couple of weeks back the college group removed the old shed at Wesley & Jennifer’s so a few volunteers went by to finish the ramp to the new shed.  Volunteers also worked at Pastor Steve’s finishing sheet rock, painting and exterior trim work.


We made new friends and formed relationships that will last on into heaven when we meet again or maybe before.  NCBM and KYBM definitely worked side by side.  Ann enjoyed perhaps her last OBX quilt meet and luncheon for this year.  Charles and Donna bonded due to she would point out mistakes he had noticed already and was figuring on a correction plan. The guys were able to put their thoughts together and figure out how things are done.  BEST of all GOD gave us beautiful scenery and great fellowship so we could enjoy another day in paradise.

Please pray we get more volunteers in the next few weeks as there is still lots of work to be completed.

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