1-Citi Impact group from Canada; 2-First Baptist Kannapolis; 5-Region 1 Feeding Team: Phil, Hollis and Billy; 4 & 6-Paul and Billy built a platform for Anthony to put his condenser units on; 6- Tim has become a regular customer at OB CO, the local donut shop. 7-The feeding team preparing another great meal. The Canadian group did several jobs. They tore out a floor system, cleaned up yards, loaded a dumpster and moved sand. They also started painting inside a home. The First Baptist group also cleaned several yards including Union Church and our site. They planted a garden for the Jolly’s along with reworking their shed and building an access ramp for Ron. The ladies even cleaned Christmas ornaments they found in the shed. Part of the team laid flooring for Mr. Fred. The rest of the group hung sheet rock.
The weather is getting warmer now and many home owners are wanting to get their homes rebuilt so they can return home. If you or your team are available we still have several weeks with few or no volunteers.
The PRAISE: Ron Jolly’s cancer is in remission!
A note from Rhea:
A blessed hello to you all,
Thank you for all your prayers/help. Good news just received from Dr.
Ron's main organs are now clear of the cancer (brain, neck/spine, liver and kidneys)! Dr. doesn't really believe in remissions, but says you can call it that if you want. It's truly a miracle to us. We almost lost him twice over the past 6 months. Now he has to recuperate/rest for 3 months from the chemo/radiation and slowly get stronger. Dr. will watch him closely over the next 6 months.
I am so happy. Looks like Ron will get to see his daughter graduate from High School in June! House is looking beautiful! Another group from NC Baptists just finished putting in a ramp off the back deck for Ron since he can't handle steps well now. We are moving in bit, by bit. Can't be in there full-time till Rosemary finishes H.S. She only has a few more months to go.
Hoping all is well with you. Wanted to spread the joyous news! Pastor Todd Connell up here from Lavalette prayed for a miracle with the last large group in our house and we got our miracle!
Take care. Love, Rhea Jolly