1-Two Illinois Chainsaw Teams; 2-Northbrook Baptist, Boiling Springs, SC; 3-Region 8 Feeding; 4-Hickory Grove Baptist, Charlotte; 5-David Fuss (Not sure what we would have done without him); 6-Curtis & Joyce Thrift (two more that helped keep our sanity); 7-Reg. 8 Rebuild and Randy & Pat from Florida. For the second week straight we have had a full house of volunteers, Some have continued to do rebuild work installing floors, finishing sheet rock, installing tile and building decks. Others did chain saw work. They cut trees on the ground and on top of homes. The removal of trees from the top of a home requires skilled cutters. They were assisted by a boom truck provided by William of Johnsonville Mechanical which made the job a lot easier and faster. Teams have all gone home now but there is still lots of tree jobs, rebuild jobs and a few tear outs to be done. Ann took a day off from her admin duties and went to Lumberton to work with the childcare unit.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Carolina Rebuild October 9-15, 2016
1-Grassy Pond Baptist, Gaffney, SC; 2-Johnsonville Baptist Youth; 3-Morris Knaup, Ashville; 4-Bennett Baptist; 5-Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association, TN; 6-Lisa & Bill Sherill, Greenville, SC; 7-Ewing Baptist, KY; 8-Heath Team, Greer, SC; 9-Gary & Royce, Knoxville, TN; 10-Prosperity, SC Chainsaw Team; 11-Region 7 Feeding (Diane, Larry, Barbara & Bernice); No photo: Tucapau Baptist. Hurricane Matthew paid us a visit on Saturday so our work started Sunday morning with the arrival of our first chain saw team. They only had to walk out back and across the street to start. During the week they spread out from Johnsonville to Hemingway and Lake City. Fortunately for the flood victims from last year the flooding was not as bad this time. On Sunday afternoon the rebuild teams began to arrive with all offering to do what ever was needed. With more saw teams coming Billy choose to keep them doing rebuild. They installed and finished sheet rock, repaired overhangs on a home and worked on flooring.
The Johnsonville site is still in need of volunteers to remove insulation, spray homes for mold, cut trees and rebuild homes from last years storm.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Carolina Rebuild October 2-8, 2016
Only had 5 volunteers last week (Community Bible, Highpoint, Winton Baptist and Hayes Barton) and that was just for a few days. Billy was busy working on finishing a roof and working with contractor who is helping us get a handle on the roof jobs so he didn’t get many pictures. However volunteers did repair some electric, remove moldy wet carpet, hang insulation and sheet rock in a house. Hoping Matthew doesn’t cause problems and Chris can come do mud work next week.
Like each of you we have been praying for the people and areas affected by Matthew. We know many of you will respond and help as mush as you can. We to would like to join you BUT a few years back we felt the call to serve in the rebuild ministry of NCBM and have been blessed by doing so. Ann and I are glad that NCBM made the decision also to stay with a project when we feel it is one GOD has called us to do. So we are staying in Johnsonville during the passing of Matthew putting trust in GOD that he will protect us. Two small teams arrive Sunday and we will resume the task of rebuilding and sharing the gospel Monday morning. Several have canceled for next week. I ask you to pray and follow the call where GOD wants you to serve.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Carolina Rebuild September 25-October 1, 2016
1-Region 5 Feeding Team (Jamie, Patsy, Bill & Tom); 2-David Fuss finishing up his month here; 3-Chapel Church-York, PA; 4-Colonial Baptist-Thomasville; 5-Union Baptist Association. This week we had two small groups all week. One group took on a roof project and after it was dried in and the rain came they started to remove damaged and molded areas inside. The other team worked with David on two homes we were doing a total rebuild on and they are now complete and the families are returning home 11 months after moving out. On Saturday we had a group of 24 including youth and all the way to senior. They all went to one home and split up. A group tackled the sand which needed to be put under the home as well as a diversion ditch in order to help keep water from standing under this home. The others split up inside to replace insulation, ceiling sheet rock and floor decking. For this family it is a blessing to have a roof that no longer leaks and a home that is becoming free of mold and unsafe floors.
It has been a year since the rain/flood event happened in South Carolina. Although many homes have been repaired and families are now living in a safe and secure home many have yet to be repaired. Most of these families have little choice but to continue to live in their home which still have roof leaks, mold in the walls, ceiling and floors along with floors that can not be walked on. Currently NCBM has 89 open rebuild jobs on the roster. However I know of two other lists that include 48 additional homes in the Johnsonville area that have asked for help but have not received any help yet or put on any rebuild list. Please pray for these home owners and consider a trip to Johnsonville to help rebuild hope and homes as we share the gospel while repairing homes.