Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

IMG_1833 The electrical wiring is continuing……..IMG_1837 along with supervision.  Actually she also pulls wire & is taking a break.IMG_1836 The shed the 1st group built is now painted. Looks good too.IMG_1838 Heating and air condition duct work is also continuing.IMG_1839 Lots of hornets around here and some have already started making the new sanctuary their  home.  But hey the bible says to witness to all.

Two prayer requests:  On Thursday morning a group from my home church, Momeyer Baptist, will be going to Henderson, NC for a three day mission trip to work on homes as needed.

Also Ann will be traveling to Bayfield to spend a week with me and meet some great people.  So Thursday's posting may be late but it will be done.

I will be flying out of RDU at 2:17 on United.  Please pray for traveling mercies and that things will go smooth at home while I am away.  I can’t wait to get there!        Ann

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